A downloadable game

in the theory of fun chapters 2 and 3 and Lenses chapter 10

talks about how games and mechaincs can teach people and entertain the brain and how certain mechanics are used in informative ways as the brain is entertained and the flow of the game on how its played.

For example the mechainics in qwop and tetris uses movement and the point system that  rewards players  for running 100 meters or clearing a line of blocks to score points. 

The mechanics and controls that the game i'm creating will incorporate movement via Pc  without a point system but levels of the game that can be design into a interactive fantasy horror experience where the running mechanic has a stamina bar to gage how much  stamina you have until you run out .

tetris has atributtes of block stacking and clearing lines to reach a point or points that you earn and if it stacks to the top game over.

in case of attributes for example Final Fantasy 1 and 2 dawn of souls 

queen bee and the hornet has a poison ability that effects a players in a party  so the poison ability is a passive ability and a attribute. 

attributes are information in games  another example pokemon  such as umbrion  

her attribute is dark so dark is an attribute and her type is her attribute

attribute is a game stasis 

for example magic the gathering 

each card has an effect that effects the creature player or board state

example. sangiune bond effects players life total by losing  life if a player gains life from a effect which can combo off of equisite blood which makes a chain of life loss and life gain.